ennen syksyn tuloa voisi näyttää kesän aikaansannokset. ja kun valmiita töitä ei ole niin sitten ostokset. kesän saaliina kaksi kauppaa ja kuusi kerää. lankakauppa kujeesta ostin alkukesästä kaksi vyyhteä ihanan vihreää malabrigo socksin sukkalankaa ja vyyhdin jekkua, hannan itsevärjäämä herkkua upeassa syvän turkoosin värissä (kamera suostuu kuvaamaan sen tosi tylsästi). tukholman reissulta antorps vävistä tarttui mukaan kolme vyyhteä östergötlands ullspinnerin visjögarnia kauniissa murretuissa sävyissä.
before the fall hits with all its force, here are my yarn purchases of the summer. two shops, six skeins.
if you are not going to a yarn shop, yarnshop just might come to you. we had a wonderful afternoon in the beginning of summer when online shop lankakauppa kuje was visiting bunch of local knitters with piles of gourgeous yarn.
i bought:
two skeins of malabrigo sock in lettuce. wonderful green color!
if you are not going to a yarn shop, yarnshop just might come to you. we had a wonderful afternoon in the beginning of summer when online shop lankakauppa kuje was visiting bunch of local knitters with piles of gourgeous yarn.
i bought:
two skeins of malabrigo sock in lettuce. wonderful green color!
and one 100g, 350 m skein of jekku, 75% merino and 25% nylon sock yarn. it is handdyed by hanna of lankakauppa kuje.
my camera is lying. the color is beautiful deep turqoise, like mediterranean ocean.
my camera is lying. the color is beautiful deep turqoise, like mediterranean ocean.
beginning of august i made a short visit to stockholm, sweden and had a little time to walk across the old town.
first i notised yarn shop sticka but i walked past because further ahead along the same street were a shop where i was heading, antorps väv. there were lots of beatiful yarns. i knew most of the brands so i bought something new to me, these three skeins of swedish wool. visjögarn from östergötlands ullspinneri, 100 % wool, about 300m/100g.
and back to knitting!
2 kommenttia:
Oi joi, nuo Tukholman tuliaiset on aivan ihastuttavan värisiä!! Eikä nuo Malabrigothaan huonoja ole. :)
Ihania lankoja, ihania värejä.
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