meidän värimaailmaa osuu hyvin yksiin ja oli hieno nähdä minkä kankaan arualmaria oli pussiin valinnut. väri osui ihan nappiin.
nyt ei enää tarvitse häveta puikkojen puolesta. pussi on huippu!

we had a yarn swap on a local knitting meet up some time ago. in exchange for my yarn and magazines i got needle case from arualmaria.
my circular needles have been all over but they have beautiful home now. and i don´t have to look for them anymore. we have similar tastes of colours, i love the fabric she chose! the case is gorgeous!

my circular needles have been all over but they have beautiful home now. and i don´t have to look for them anymore. we have similar tastes of colours, i love the fabric she chose! the case is gorgeous!