
hiljaisen syksyn jälkeen on valmistunut raitaisia tyttöjen neuleita. pääosissa violetti, pinkki, harmaa ja ruskea villalanka, sivuosissa valkoinen ja turkoosi.


i have been quiet here but my knitting needles have been swinging. i have no christmas knitting -reason to keep out blogging, i just have been staying away from the computer.

i have been knitting stripy knits. stripes is the way to keep my girls warm this winter. all of these knits have been in good use. it has been freesing cold and the winter has barely started.

these fingerles mittens have already been put aside though. you need something more to warm up your fingers in december. Pattern: my own, yarn: sandnes lanett (brown, teal and white) and some other wool yarn.

some basic socks to keep small feet warm and toasty. yarn: gjestal maija. and one other stripy pair (grey and purple) is waiting for me to bind of the yarn ends.

and bactus scarf in sandnes lanett.
the other scarf is grey and pink.

see any pattern? violet, pink, brown and grey seems to be the most popular colors lately.


ennen syksyn tuloa voisi näyttää kesän aikaansannokset. ja kun valmiita töitä ei ole niin sitten ostokset. kesän saaliina kaksi kauppaa ja kuusi kerää. lankakauppa kujeesta ostin alkukesästä kaksi vyyhteä ihanan vihreää malabrigo socksin sukkalankaa ja vyyhdin jekkua, hannan itsevärjäämä herkkua upeassa syvän turkoosin värissä (kamera suostuu kuvaamaan sen tosi tylsästi). tukholman reissulta antorps vävistä tarttui mukaan kolme vyyhteä östergötlands ullspinnerin visjögarnia kauniissa murretuissa sävyissä.


before the fall hits with all its force, here are my yarn purchases of the summer. two shops, six skeins.

if you are not going to a yarn shop, yarnshop just might come to you. we had a wonderful afternoon in the beginning of summer when online shop lankakauppa kuje was visiting bunch of local knitters with piles of gourgeous yarn.

i bought:
two skeins of malabrigo sock in lettuce. wonderful green color!

and one 100g, 350 m skein of jekku, 75% merino and 25% nylon sock yarn. it is handdyed by hanna of lankakauppa kuje.

my camera is lying. the color is beautiful deep turqoise, like mediterranean ocean.

beginning of august i made a short visit to stockholm, sweden and had a little time to walk across the old town.

first i notised yarn shop sticka but i walked past because further ahead along the same street were a shop where i was heading, antorps väv. there were lots of beatiful yarns. i knew most of the brands so i bought something new to me, these three skeins of swedish wool. visjögarn from östergötlands ullspinneri, 100 % wool, about 300m/100g.

and back to knitting!


this blog doesn´t seem to update itself so apparently i have to do that..

while the sun has shown its warm side i have not let go knitting in wool yarn. i have two pairs of socks and a striped cardigan on the needles. and two other projects hibernating till i decide what to do with them.

some time ago i started to knit a top down cardigan in green gjestall knopp and white, brown and beige sandnesgarn lanett. i measured it wrong after armpits and had to rip out a couple of stripes. so i had a rowful of cute little skeins waiting to be knitted again.

progress in not very rapid, couple of rows a day.

tämä blogi ei taida päivittää itse itseään..

koneella ei ole tullut juuri vietettyä aikaa mutta neulottua sentään vähän. villalankaa en ole hylännyt edes näillä helteillä ja puikoilla on kahdet sukat ja raidallinen neuletakki. lankoina takissa on vihreä gjestal knopp ja valkoinen, ruskea ja beige sandnesgarn lanett.

pienen mittavirheen takia piti purkaa useampi raita ja siitä tuli rivillinen suloisia pikkukeriä.


minun pyöröpuikot on olleet aina ihan hävettävän huonosti säilytettynä mikä missäkin pussissa. jokin aika sitten neuletapaamisessa oli lankakirppari, jonne vein lehtiä ja lankaa, ja jotka jatkoivat sitten matkaa arualmarian kotiin odottamaan inspiraatiota. vaihdossa sain lupauksen puikkopussista.

meidän värimaailmaa osuu hyvin yksiin ja oli hieno nähdä minkä kankaan arualmaria oli pussiin valinnut. väri osui ihan nappiin.

nyt ei enää tarvitse häveta puikkojen puolesta. pussi on huippu!

we had a yarn swap on a local knitting meet up some time ago. in exchange for my yarn and magazines i got needle case from arualmaria.

my circular needles have been all over but they have beautiful home now. and i don´t have to look for them anymore. we have similar tastes of colours, i love the fabric she chose! the case is gorgeous!


täällä ei ole tapahtunut mitään uutta, joten jotakin vanhaa sitten. minulla on ollut käsi kipeänä yli kuukauden ja neulominen on sen myötä jäänyt.

tässä on minun ensikosketus noron sukkalankaan. lanka ei pääsyt suosikkeihin. ihan mukavaa sen on mutta sukkia en ehkä tästä tykkäisi tehdä. huivi on mukavan pieni ja kevyt ja baktuksen neulon varmaan joskus toistekin.

malli: baktus (rav)
yarn: noro kureyon sock yarn, S164
puikot: 3mm

huivia oli mukava kuvata, kun joka kulmasta löytyi uusia sävyjä. saa nähdä pääseekö se käyttöön keväällä, tuossa kun on melko syksyisen värisiä sävyjä.


**here is my first touch into noro yarns. it did not come one of my favorites and i don´t see myself knitting socks from it. yet i like the feel of it and how there´s so many beautiful shades (which i wouldn´t have thought of mixing and matching myself). the scarf is just lovely, small and light.

pattern: baktus (rav)
yarn: noro kureyon sock yarn, S164
needles: 3mm


viime viikonloppuna vierailin kaupassa, jonka ikkunasta tulvi kirkas auringonpaiste ja langat loisti kilpaa auringon kanssa. joukko neulojia vietti mukavan päivän lankakauppa KUJEessa ostellen lankoja, syöden ihanaa suklaakakkua ja tietysti neuloen. minulla oli mielessä etukäteen tehty lista haluamistani langoista ja pysyin siinä. juuri ja juuri. eikä ollut helppoa. hyllyt oli täynnä toinen toistaan ihanampia lankoja. kiitos hanna ihanasta päivästä!

**last weekend bunch of knitters headed off to a new online yarn shop, KUJE, for buying lovely yarn, eating yummy chocolate cake and of course, knitting. i had planned what i was going to buy and i sticked with the plan. but just barely.

ja nämä ostin: kaksi vyyhteä cascade 220 heathers (2433), värinä kaunis petrooli
**i bought: two skeins of beautiful petrol cascade 220 heathers (2433)

ja niille kaveriksi kaksi valkoista vyyhteä cascade 220stä (8505).

**and two skeins of white cascade 220 (8505).

kaupasta löytyy myös yksi lempilangoistani, drops alpaca. ostin kuusi kaunista grafiitinharmaata (0506) kerää.

**i also bought six skeins of one of my favorite yarns, drops alpaca, in color 0506. it is as soft as ever.

tätä viimeistä en ole ennen kokeillut. suloisen pehmeä adriafil bucaneve, 100% merinovillaa. värinä 73, vaalea vihreä
**and something new for me, soft merino yarn adriafil bucaneve, color 73

kannattaa käydä kurkistamassa kujeeseen.


there was actually a glimpse of daylight when i got home yesterday after work. wonderful.

this poor blanket was waiting one hole year for me to make up my mind if i want to continue knitting this bigger or not. and i did not. at first i planned to knit this to my daughters, and they actually got this - for they dolls. perhaps i knit this in bigger size someday.

pattern: moderne baby blanket by kay gardiner and ann shayne, (rav)
yarn: sandnes lanett, (white, green, petrol and brown borders) , yarn held double and king cole merino blend 4ply (purple), yarn held double
needles: 4,5mm


ihanaa huomata, että kotona ei ole vain pimeän aikaan vaan viimeiset auringon säteet kerkeää vielä paistaa sisälle, kun tulee kotiin töiden jälkeen.

tämä peitto odotti vuoden neulomatta. inspiraatio ei niinkään ollut hukassa vaan en vaan tiennyt että jatkaako sitä suuremmaksi vai ei. alunperin oli tarkoitus neuloa lasten huoneeseen torkkupeitto. no sinne se nytkin päätyy mutta nuken sänkyyn. ehkä joskus sitten astetta suuremmassa koossa.

malli: moderne baby blanket (kay gardiner ja ann shayne) (rav)
lanka: sandnes lanett (valkoinen, vihreä, petrooli, ruskea reunus) ja king cole merino blend 4ply (violetti)


studio joko proudly presents: tangled

starring: the knitter, rowan felted tweed in phantom, 3,25mm knit pro circular needle and tangled yoke sweater pattern
genre: yoke sweater
director: joko
co director: dh
photography: dh and joko

plot: all began when some 7 skeins of rowan felted tweed, knitting needles and tangled yoke pattern hooked up. the knitter started to knit. the sleeves and the body up to the armpits went smoothly and pretty quickly. the knitter had only little previous experience about knitting yoke but the director was sure she was able to manage it.

the plot thickens after the first yoke decreases. first rows of the cable chart went pretty easy but after that the knitter started to make some mistakes. she spotted some and frogged. knitted some more and frogged some more. the knitter tangled the cable big time and after row 18 the director made a decision that affected the hole outcome. the knitter frogged all 18 rows and continued, no longer with the chart but plain stockinette. the rest of the knitting with all that stockinette went predictably easy.

spoiler alert: extras had to be hired to finish the project

post production took a l o t o f time. the knitter already had some other projects and the director hates sewing buttons and binding of the yarn ends. the weather had been great for weeks and the director began to feel worried that the project wouldn´t be ready for beautiful frosty photo shoot in a nearby lake. so she made a move and hired a co director to help. the director offered new wool socks or some other warming accessories as a paycheck but the co director was happy with a glass of red wine. that was easy. buttons got sewn in no time and the director continued with yarn ends. the cardigan got completed and ready for the first appearance, which was quick for a reason - minus eighteen celsius and some chilly breeze.

director is happy with the result and wants to thank rowan for making such a wonderful yarn, eunny for creating and writing the pattern and dh for making sure that the project is done and for being so lovely.


it´s been cold in here as it is been quite a many places in the whole northern hemisphere. i knitted warm alpaca mittens for my girls to keep their fingers nice and toasty. i had no pattern, i just knitted.

neuloin tyttärille
kylmän ilman torjujiksi lämpimät alpakkalapaset rukkasten sisälle. viime aikoina on lämpimät lapaset ollut tarpeen.

alpaca mittens
yarn: drops alpaca 2925 (orange) and 3860 (green)
needles: 3mm

alpakka lapaset
lanka: drops alpaca 2925 (oranssi) ja 3860 (vihreä)

and now i am knitting them socks and next probably.. why it is so hard to sew buttons to my cardigan? there are only twelve of them..


christmas vacation is almost over and it is time to get back to normal routine. i have no new years resolution and no big knitting plans either. i go where my knitting flow takes me. the past year was quite quiet knitting-wise. lets see what year 2010 brings along.


i am very surprised and happy how many knitters have done my lina hat. i added the english pattern to ravelry as a free download (.pdf)

have a beautiful and happy year 2010!